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22 September 2009

Kitchen Sink Mulligatawny Soup

This isn't a real Mulligatawny Soup, it's just something I threw together last night for supper since Mrs Bugbear and I both forgot to take meat out for supper last night. I called it Kitchen Sink Mulligatawny Soup because I just threw in whatever I had around the kitchen last night.

1 liter(quart) of chicken stock
1 can of Chickpeas
2 cups of frozen french cut green beans
2 cups of carrots
4 brown cardamon pods
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1tsp fresh pureed ginger
2 tsp of ground coriander
1 tsp of cumin seeds
2 medium yellow onions
handful of chopped mushrooms
1 tbsp of ghee (clarified butter)

Add the chickpeas, green beans and carrots to the chicken stock, bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer. Once the carrots are cooked, place them in a blender with some of the stock and pulsing the blender reduce the carrots to grain sized pieces, do not puree the carrots (well you can if you want but I liked them better my way). Add the chopped carrots back to the remaining stock. Fry the onions in ghee over medium high heat stirring constantly until they turn golden in color, reduce to medium low heat and stir occasionally add garlic, ginger, cumin seeds & cardamon pods to the onions and fry for a couple of minutes (until fragrant). Add the coriander and fry for a minute or two more. Stir into the soup and add salt to taste. Allow the soup to simmer for about 5-10 minutes before serving.

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