This segues nicely into introducing Slipstream Weapons lubricant. Maintaining firearms is a very important part of using firearms safely and like my wife I'm big on maintaining my firearms. When I bought my STI Spartan 9mm I decided that I wanted to use something that was a step up from Hoppe's No 9. I did a bit of research on the web and ran across Slipstream Weapon Lubricant. Slipstream, according to manufacturer Crusader Weaponry:
What we discovered was a nano-lubricant that is simply the slickest thing we'd ever seen! We then blended this nano-lubricant with a synthetic oil creating a proprietary lubricating formula, and the results we saw were simply jaw-dropping. We've since tested our formula in over 400 different firearm makes and models and have yet to be unimpressed.
Frankly, despite their claims I wasn't all that impressed when I used it on my Spartan. The pistol has a very smooth action and applying the Slipstream didn't make enough of a difference to the smoothness of the action for me to comment on the product on my blog. Since I had bought the weapon lube kit, I thought I'd try it on my hunting firearms. Despite the price, my Spartan is a range gun after all and isn't as abused as my deer rifle, a Marlin 336C in .30-30. I don't sit out in the rain and the snow with the Spartan. I don't have to clean pine and hemlock needles out of the action of my pistol the way I do for my Marlin or my Ruger No.1 after a week of searching for the elusive whitetail. After disassembling and thoroughly cleaning my Marlin 336C and my Ruger No.1 Medium Sporter (in .45-70) I applied the Slipstream Grease to both firearms.
This stuff is like Astroglide for guns! I would never have classed the action on my Marlin as rough until after giving it the Slipstream treatment, the same with the Ruger. My Marlin is only six years old and hasn't been too abused, yet after using the Slipstream grease on the action it operates smoother and quieter than lubricating it with gun oil or 3-in-1 oil.
The difference on my twenty-seven year old Ruger No.1 was RIGHTEOUS.
I mean like "Hallelujah Brother!" I'm pretty sure I heard a choir of angels sing out when I worked the action of my Ruger. Those clunks and clicks were almost muted, and the block drops like it's on greased rails, okay that's a bad analogy since the block is in fact on greased rails. All hyperbole aside the Ruger feels like a brand new gun.
I've also treated my Marlin Model 57 and Model 57M with Slipstream and noticed the difference in the smoothness of the action of each.
In corresponding with the fellows at Crusader Weaponry I found them to be friendly and helpful, you really couldn't ask for a better customer service. As Crusader's various youtube videos suggest you need to experiment a bit to find out where the oil or grease works best on a given firearm. Does your 1911 like grease on the slide rails but oil around the barrel bushing, for example. The general rule of thumb in my experience is that the closer the tolerance the more likely that oil will work best.
Using Slipstream on my hunting firearms is a bit of overkill (not intended to be a bad pun). However, if you own an AR-15 of some flavor or any autoloading pistol then I recommend picking us some
A couple of tangentially related topics, the Marlin is a pretty easy gun to field strip, one screw and out comes the lever and bolt. I hope I never have to strip that damn Ruger No. 1 again. It was obviously not designed by the patron saint of gun design John Moses Browning! Okay it's not that bad but nonetheless the action seemed awfully complicated for a single shot, I really wanted the 1885 High Wall but the Ruger was available and the High Wall would have had to be ordered, impatience trumped desire.
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